
Monday, 4 June 2012


I have been working on some projects recently that are food related so I have decided to share them with  you.

One is called The Pasta Project.  This has been a work in progress over my cooking life.  Pasta was the reason I started to cook in the first place.  When I was a teenager, I LOVED pasta. I could never get enough of it. I remember my first pasta cooking experience really well. I put some tortellini in the pot before the water boiled.  It was my pasta fail.  My Dad taught me that I had to boil the water first and add some salt, keep trying it  till it was al dente. Someone very close to me taught me the secret of how to cook low fat pasta sauces that I carry with me to this day. As you can see, pasta is very close to my heart.

The Pasta Project is bringing my creations to the world of blogging.  Also experimenting with new idea's and learning the ropes and how to combine flavours.  I have already been working on it for a while as you can see by my previous posts.

The Student Project is another project I am embarking on.  I live with some students and kind of got sick of seeing them eating bad food. One night over dinner we got into the discussion of eating food on a budget.  I am the queen of food budgeting.  It wasn't that long ago my partner and I had a strict food budget of $100 per week.  My partner was not working at the time and I was earning just above minimum wage. This taught us to become very frugal with our weekly food coin. What I want to do is teach my flatmates and everyone else out there that you don't need to eat two minuet noodles and tinned fruit when you are living on a budget. The challenge with the student project is 2 of my flatmate who are a couple are vegetarian.

So watch this space with regards to the projects.  Hopefully this will give my blog the direction it truly deserves.

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