Actually I am only turning this into the student project because I made this for under $5. I am really loving Countdown at the moment. Seasonal vegies are sooooooo cheap and there are specials and reduced to clear for Africa! I decided that I was not going to do my normal cook all weekend thing. I was really tired and we have a freezer full of food! I also have been getting sick of the lack of stock options in the supermarkets as well. Its either dry stock, packaged shelf life stock or the refrigerated stocked that has majiclly popped up since the last season of Masterchef...... I have bought one of these refrigerated stocks- I will see how it goes
^^refrigerated stock.
Now for my stock..... This makes over 1.5 litres of stock
2 chicken carcases
2 carrots chopped chunky
5 sticks of celery chopped chunky
1 onion diced chunky
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon of Thyme
1 teaspoon of basil
1 teaspoon of sage
Lots of water
Fill up the slow cooker with all the veggies and chicken carcases and add water till its 3/4 full, add herbs.
. Once its cooked, sit for an hour or so and skim the fat off the top.
Then add to freezer bags and freeze